After implementing our basic referral system using the Refer gem, we needed to build a flexible reward system on top of it. This system needed to handle various reward scenarios: when users refer others, when referred users complete trial bookings, and when they subscribe to our service. Here's how we approached this challenge in our Rails monolith application.
Understanding the Components
Before diving into the implementation, let's understand the key components:
Trigger: The specific event that causes a reward to be created (e.g., completing a trial booking)
Source: The original cause that led to the reward (typically the referral)
Recipient: The user or household that receives the reward
Amount: The reward value, stored in cents for precision using the money-rails gem
The Core: The Reward Model
At the heart of our system is the Reward
class Reward < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :recipient, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :trigger, polymorphic: true, optional: true
belongs_to :source, polymorphic: true, optional: true
monetize :amount_cents
enum reason: {
trial_start: 'trial_start',
sub_complete: 'sub_complete',
signup_discount: 'signup_discount'
}, _prefix: true
scope :unredeemed, -> { where(redeemed_at: nil) }
# ... methods for creating specific rewards ...
The Rewardable Concern
To make it easy to add reward functionality to different models, we created a Rewardable concern:
# app/models/concerns/rewardable.rb
module Rewardable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
has_many :rewards, as: :recipient
def total_earned, "CAD")
def unredeemed_rewards
def redeem_rewards!
unredeemed_rewards.update_all(redeemed_at: Time.current)
Extending the Referral Model
We extended the Refer gem's Referral model to integrate with our reward system:
module ReferralExtensions
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
has_many :rewards, as: :source
def create_trial_rewards(trial_booking)
Reward.create_for_trial_start(self, trial_booking)
def complete_subscription(subscription)
Reward.create_for_sub_complete(self, subscription)
# In config/initializers/refer.rb
Rails.application.config.to_prepare do
Refer::Referral.include ReferralExtensions
Triggering Rewards
We set up our Booking model to trigger rewards when a booking is completed, as an example:
class Booking < ApplicationRecord
after_save :create_trial_start_reward, if: :status_changed_to_completed?
def create_trial_start_reward
referral = Refer::Referral.find_by(referred: household.owner)
Reward.create_for_trial_start(referral, self) if referral
def status_changed_to_completed?
saved_change_to_status? && completed?
This flexible reward system allows us to easily add new types of rewards and associate them with different actions in our application. The use of polymorphic associations provides the flexibility to link rewards to various models, while the money-rails gem ensures precise handling of monetary amounts. The system has proven to be robust and easily extendable as our referral program grows.
The combination of the Refer gem for handling referrals and our custom reward system has created a powerful tool for incentivizing user growth and engagement on our platform.