We recently implemented a referral system for Cravd, our marketplace platform that connects customers with personal home chefs. As we've been growing organically through word of mouth, we wanted to accelerate this growth by implementing a formal referral program. Here's how we set it up using the Refer gem in our Rails application.
Setting Up the Refer Gem
First, we added the Refer gem to our Gemfile:
gem "refer"
After running bundle install
, we generated the necessary migrations:
rails generate refer:install
rails db:migrate
This set up the basic database structure for tracking referrals.
Configuring the Referral Code Generator
We customized the referral code generation in an initializer file:
# config/initializers/refer.rb
Refer.code_generator = lambda do |referrer|
get_existing_code(referrer).presence || generate_new_code(referrer.id)
Refer.param_name = :code
def get_existing_code(referrer)
def generate_new_code(referrer_id)
letters = ("A".."Z").to_a.sample(4).join
padded_id = referrer_id.to_s.rjust(4, "0")
This creates unique, readable codes combining random letters and the referrer's ID.
Integrating with User Model
We added the has_referrals
macro to our User model:
class User < ApplicationRecord
# ... other code ...
Handling Referrals in the Controller
We updated our RegistrationsController to handle referrals during sign up:
class RegistrationsController < ApplicationController
def create
@user = User.new(user_params)
if @user.save
refer @user
start_new_session_for @user
redirect_to after_authentication_url, notice: "Welcome to Cravd!"
render :new, status: :unprocessable_content
Handling Referrals in the Controller
In our ReferralsController
, we implemented two key methods to manage referral codes and cookies:
class ReferralsController < ApplicationController
set_referral_cookie only: [:show], if: -> { Current.user.blank? && !browser.bot? }
before_action :set_referral_code, only: [:index, :show]
def set_referral_code
return unless Current.user
@referral_code = Current.user.referral_codes.last || Current.user.referral_codes.create
The set_referral_cookie
method is used to store the referral code in a cookie when it's present in the request parameters, and set_referral_code
method is used to create or retrieve a referral code for the current user. It’s used in the referrals controllers where I want to display the user's referral code.
With these pieces in place, we now have a functional referral system. Users can generate unique referral codes, share them, and we can track successful referrals. This implementation provides a solid foundation for our referral program, which we'll build upon to create a comprehensive reward system.